prh-ZG3 Random generator


PRH-ZG3 is used for controlling personnel staff.

You can adjust the average number of persons which are to be controlled with two rotary digital coded switches 0-9 (E.g., 01% up to 50% This means, that only every (average) hundredth (1%) or every (average) second (50%) person will be controlled).
For en- or disabling a pass through a floating contact is implemented as a relay (for each case one two-way contact), connected to six terminals, that means 3 terminals for ‚red‘ (no pass) and three terminals for ‚green‘ (pass o.k. without control).
If the unit ‚prh-ZG3‘ decides ‚red‘ (=person has to be controlled) in response to the pressing of the rugged push button, you can see the red LED on front-panel lightning as well as you can hear a beeper. Additionally you may use the terminals ‚red‘ (two-way contact) to connect other units (PC, siren etc.). Since the enabling of terminals for „green“ are, in case of the decision „red“, inactive, nothing happens, i.e. the person cannot pass a turnstile e.t.c.
As the name ‚Random Generator‘ says, the passing is controlled by an internal micro controller, which is calculating the random numbers. If e.g. the adjustment ‚rate‘ is turned to 50%, it is also possible, that e.g. ten passes in a row are calculated ‚red‘, but the average upon several hundreds will show the adjustment of the rate ‚50%‘. Therefore it is impossible for the staff, to calculate the individual chance for passing, even by a adjusted rate of 50% .

prh-ZG3 is housed in a very stable box with wetness protection by German standard IP65.
W x H x D : 145 x 75 x 100 mm

Power Supply
prh-ZG3 has an integrated power supply for connection to mains 230V~. To satisfy wetness protection class to German „IP65“ you have to connect prh-ZG3 to mains by a suitable fixed well isolated cable. Only for dry indoor applications you may use the provided power cord with on/off switch.

Signal Input
When the push button on the front-panel of rugged industrial standard is pressed, it provides the signal input for a random decision „pass=green“ or „control=red“. It is also possible to connect an external floating contact in addition to the push button, i.e. integrating a light barrier.

Signal Outputs
There are two outputs according to ‚red‘ and ‚green‘ as separated floating contacts (two-way), connected to overall six terminals.
In case of a decision „red“ the piezo buzzer on the front panel of prh-ZG3 is activated in addition.

Two LEDs „green“ and „red“ showing:
green : The output relays ‚green‘ are active
red : The output relays ‚red‘ are active

‚Pass‘ = green = pass without control, the duration of that state can be adjusted between 0.15s and 9s by a coded rotary switch (0-9).
‚Test‘ = red = no passing, the duration can be adjusted between 0,3s and 9s by another coded rotary switch 0-9 or may be stopped by an external push button.

Average rate of control
The number (‚rate‘) of persons to be controlled can be adjusted by a couple of coded rotary switches between the averages from (00) = 0,5% to 50%.

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